Sunday, 25 November 2007

God and his Lordship

Tony Blair avoided talking about his religious views while in office for fear of being labelled "a nutter", the former prime minister has revealed.

Mr Campbell has now acknowledged to the programme that his former boss "does do God in quite a big way", but that both men feared the public would be wary.

Never mind seeming like "a nutter". Blair being PM of a country the people of which are apparently among the if not are the least religious in Europe, and having taken the country to a war described by his US colleague as a "cruisade", I think we should be outraged to learn that 'god' played a role in his premiership. Even more so, that we are learning that now, as if it doesn't matter now that he's no longer PM. The man may no longer be in office, but his horrific legacy remains with us.